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Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт апр 20, 2010 1:18 am
Andrey Feldshteyn
Dear Madam or Sir,

I don’t usually complain but it is time for me to speak out. I am the second place winner of the Fourth International Cartoon Festival and Graphical Humor, Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008. Theme: Women.

http://www.brazilcartoon.com/resultadoD ... eng&ID=300

I found out the result through some international cartoon website since the organization had never contacted me. I had waited six months and written two letters to Universidad Autonoma Latinoamericana, the sponsor of the contest. In June 2009, I finally got a very apologetic email from the General Director, Mr. Jesus Orlando Morales Henao who stated that one of my prizes was a sculpture of a prestigious Colombian sculptor and a book about cartoon and graphical humor, which was on process of editing and would be published in October 2009. Again, I provided him my mailing address so that the prizes could be sent to me (Letter enclosed).

It has been almost two years. I emailed Mr. Mr. Jesus Orlando Morales Henao twice inquiring about the prized but again received no reply. Enough is enough. Winning a contest is a wonderful opportunity and recognition for us, cartoonists. We pour our hearts and souls in our works. We demand the respect and what is rightfully ours. Unfortunately, there are many Phantom Contests which exploit and contaminate our intellectual World. We, World’s Cartoonists are pleading for your help.

Respectfully yours,

Huey Nguyenhuu , USA

Re: Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 19, 2011 11:52 pm
Andrey Feldshteyn
Muestra Mundial de caricatura valle de aburra. To the world community of cartoonist.

Just recently (August -10 - 2011) we were informed about of defamatory campaing by the Vietnam- American, Huey Nguyenhuu,
against the Muestra mundial de caricature for the price that never exist.

The international community of the cartoon know about our procedure responsibility and cleanliness in the labor we develop. Winners
Yory Kosobukin, Cristobal Rinoso ‘’Crist’’Ares, Ramiro Zapata and Angel Boligan, can give a testimony that the price was delivery
opportunely. The 6th version year 2011 in our Oficial announcement always appears the clears conditions the participation and aour
responsibility in everytime, only one price in money and several mentions, wich consist in diploma or certificate and the will send it by
mail. In the corresponding version of the incident matter, Mr Huey recibed the second mention (Acording to notarial deed in our files)
he won the diploma wich was send by e-mail two year ago. We have especial deferencia with some mentions regales some details. If
someone of the sponsors give us, in the previous someone donated a figurine in a extremely fragile material and for this condition it
can not be possible send it in the conditions it should be. Mr Huey is being informed, but the opportunity and conditions still are not

About of production of books of the Muestra there is only one compilling of four versions ‘’Mujeres al Poder’’, tex that was send it to
some cartoonists and organizers with the purpose if they can to the sen it to others cartoonists we did not do it individually because
we can not paid the cost and the deliceru the delivery the price to paid is the 800% in relation to the cost to the book.

Our trayectory over 25 years in the graphic humoristic world suppor our behavior and we are sure that will continue ahead with aour
obligation cultural to give happiness to everybody in the world with incomparable vehicle of cartoon art.


Re: Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб авг 20, 2011 1:45 am
Andrey Feldshteyn
Коротко: организаторы конкурса в Колумбии отвечают на обвинения мистера Huey Nguyenhuu. По их версии мистер Huey
Nguyenhuu удостоился диплома (Mention), который и был выслан ему по электронной почте.
Как я понял из объяснения, к диплому должна была быть приложена некая скульптура, которая не могла быть высланной по
почте в силу ее хрупкости. Сие обстоятельство было доведено до мр. Huey Nguyenhuu.

Орфография и пунктуация английского оригинала сохранена.

Re: Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 21, 2011 10:12 am
попов андрей
Комично.))) О чем надо было думать, выдвигая в качестве приза на международном конкурсе скульптуру, которую нельзя переслать?(судя по высылке диплома по электронке , скульптура не из драгметаллов) Ага, сейчас чувачек из Японии метнется за свой счет в Колумбию. Видимо приз - это замок из песка, или из другого порошка , исконно колумбийского. :mrgreen:

Re: Valle de Aburra, Colombia 2008

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 21, 2011 11:26 am
Надо было и скульптуру послать по электронной почте.)