Список изданий и сайтов, нарушающих права художников
Andrey Feldshteyn » Вс янв 30, 2011 4:15 pm
A letter from Peter Nieuwendijk:
H Raed
As FECO representaive from Syria
and selected cartoonist
I saw that the 2nd prizewinner was removed!
That's not the way FECO acts
"Drawing the world together"
Everybody is asking now WHERE IS NUMBER 2
So you gave us worldwide a lot of attention
Peter Nieuwendijk
co.organizer Dutch Cartoonfestival
President-General FECO
H friends
hereby the orginal version
and the censorship version of Syria!
please send around the world
greetings & thankx

- winners.jpg (231.54 Кб) Просмотров: 50141

Andrey Feldshteyn
- Сообщения: 12372
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 04, 2006 12:45 pm
- Откуда: Minneapolis, USA
Andrey Feldshteyn » Вт апр 17, 2012 6:14 pm
A new case of result distortion:
Distorts the results of international cartoon competitions.
Raed Khalil Continuously distorts the results of international cartoon competitions.
He erases the Israeli cartoonists from the lists of winners on his website.
I would not invite a such person on the jury International Cartoon Competitions.
Reaction from organizers of Gold Panda International Cartoon Competition
Dear Mr.Ilya Katz,
Thank you for your support to our contest.
We are shocked by the issue you told us.
We never received emails with similar opinions.
We only know he is a chief editor of a cartoon website and do not know such problem.
Are there many cartoonists having similar ideas? If so, we will never invite him to be a judge in future.
However, the current contest is over, we can do nothing more.
Thanks again for your suggestions.
Best regards.
The Committee
Worldwide Cartoonists support the idea not inviting Raed Khalil on the jury International Cartoon Competitions.Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia)
Sergei Tunin (Russia)
Boris Erenburg (Israel)
Victor Bogorad (Russia)
Ilya Katz (Israel)
Yuri Manaev (Russia)
Andrey Feldshteyn (USA)
The source site:
http://cartoonall.blogspot.com/2012/04/ ... ional.html

Andrey Feldshteyn
- Сообщения: 12372
- Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 04, 2006 12:45 pm
- Откуда: Minneapolis, USA
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