15 September 2024- 3rd caricatur exhibition, Iraq

Объявления о конкурсах карикатуры.

Модератор: Andrey Feldshteyn

15 September 2024- 3rd caricatur exhibition, Iraq

Сообщение Василий Александров » Пн авг 19, 2024 3:16 am

The third international competition and exhibition For Iraqi Cartoon Day 2024


- Cartoon portrait of the artist Taleb Makki (1936-2022)

-Cartoon drawing with the theme of social networks
(Negative effects on the family and children - restriction of freedom - humiliating content, contradiction of the founders of the website in dealing with human and moral issues.)


-On the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of Iraq Cartoon Day
An invitation to all Iraqi, Arab and international artists

-The artist has the right to participate with 3 paintings
-Submitted paintings must not have been shared in a previous exhibition
and will be removed from the company
-They are sent as jpg resolution 300 dpi width 2000 pixels length.
-CV (full name - country and address - phone number - email - brief definition of achievements)
-The best ones are selected to participate in the exhibition by the specialized international artistic committee

-To inquire

For each section, 3 awards are given to the top 3 companies
(for Iraqis, award + shield + commendation)
(for non-Iraqis shield + plaque + souvenir)

15 September 2024

Address for sending artworks:

Аватара пользователя
Василий Александров
Сообщения: 15892
Зарегистрирован: Вт июл 04, 2006 4:16 pm
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

Вернуться в Cartoon contests. Объявления о конкурсах

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